Saturday, August 14, 2010

Real reform in Cuba has yet to emerge

Real reform in Cuba has yet to emerge
Saturday, August 14, 2010

In his Aug. 9 op-ed column, "Castro and the cardinal," Jackson Diehl
pointed out that some people say Ra?l Castro wants to modernize and
stabilize Cuba. Mr. Castro wants to do both without losing power, and he
has convinced Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega that the most important thing
is to start "the process," even if it takes years. Mr. Castro wants to
talk to Washington but will not allow the Cubans to talk.

The cardinal brought a message to the White House. Mr. Castro wants
"U.S. trade and investment" and "has a desire for an opening with the
U.S. government," but as Mr. Diehl said, "the time for real change --
and for a deeper engagement by the United States -- has not yet
arrived." The old regime is gasping for air; 1 million workers will be
laid off. No amount of U.S. trade, investment or tourism will resolve
Cuba's crisis without the significant reform that President Obama and
the Europeans have requested.

Forcing prisoners and their families into exile, as a requirement for
releasing the prisoners, is a cruelty that Cardinal Ortega should not
have accepted. Even young children have had their passports stamped
"indefinite exit." They are forever banned from Cuba.

Madrid continues to do Havana's bidding, but Belgium, the current leader
of the European Union, says that the prisoners' release does not justify
a policy change. The Czech foreign minister, Karel Scharzenberg, who was
once denied entry into Cuba for wanting to meet with dissidents, German
Chancellor Angela Merkel and others agree.

Frank Calzon, Arlington

The writer is executive director of the Center for a Free Cuba.

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