Monday, November 5, 2012

Sandy “The Matador”

Sandy "The Matador" / Rebeca Monzo
Rebeca Monzo, Translator: Unstated

The dreaded Sandy arrived on our shores after having caused severe
damage in Jamaica and Haiti. In her strong and organized path she left a
trail of destruction and desolation in many eastern provinces, the most
affected being Santiago de Cuba. After seeing the dreadful images of the
damage caused, it doesn't take a genius to realize that the majority of
the affected homes are in very precarious conditions, that many of them
would have easily succumbed to a strong gust of wind. Some were simply
turned into piles of rubble. Many roofs, ripped off of buildings,
revealed their poor condition and fragility, the result of a
decades-long history of neglect.

For the vast majority of the population it is almost impossible to
maintain their homes, much less prepare for a climatic event of this
type, principally because articles of hardware are sold in convertible
currency and at very high prices. I also believe that I am not mistaken
when I say that almost no one was able to protect his house in time
because he did not have access to items needed to do so, such as
hammers, nails, wooden stakes, plywood, candles, etc. Such items can
only be purchased in hard-currency stores, and rarely with the other
currency, which many people refer to as "throw-away pesos."

The damage has been actually incalculable, the loss of human lives
irreparable. Now, the only thing that remains to learn is the bitter
lesson and to see the way that those of us who fortunately didn't
experience damage can share what we have with this part of our suffering
population. For that the alternative blogosphere has provided homes for
receiving help. In these we sort, pack up, and label the articles
received, with the goal of facilitating their subsequent distribution.
The help, logically, we extend in coordination with the church, being
the most trustworthy and safe route.

From my point of view, Hurricane Sandy, has been with regards to
Santiago, "The Matador," — The Killer — who has come to give the final
mortal blow to a bull already greatly injured by stabs and thrusts,
received during these gray decades.

October 31 2012

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