Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Scorn for Prices / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado

Scorn for Prices / Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado
Rosa María Rodríguez Torrado, Translator: Unstated

Like the increase in spending — which did not correspond to income —
what bothers the population is the scorn of their leaders. On what basis
are prices established? Why don't they inform people about the
increases? The lack of transparency and disregard for the real problems
of society, coupled with the high cost of living and the unproductive
and gigantic state apparatus appear to impose an up-to-no-good behavior
of the authorities in this matter.

Years ago my valve exploded, but thanks to the resources to escape to
anywhere in the world, the ruling class continues arrogantly putting
pressure on the pot. They have always fought publicly for the
administrations in the United States to respect the annual quota of
emigrants, twenty thousand, which are assigned to Cuba, instead of
fostering a climate of national coexistence in which people develop
their potential in accordance the law and contribute to the welfare and
happiness of the Cubans.

They have not shown any shame over the sustained emigration of our
countrymen, who have multiplied the countries to which they flee, as
they apply the cold math of material dividends, among others, that they
report in a Cuban community abroad with financial solvency and financial
support .

"The damned money" swelled the coffers of the government, while it
showed reluctance to enter the dwindling pockets of the workers and
solve their simple shortcomings. The officials did not lack titles of
nobility or bank accounts, in Cuba, it's enough to carry on with the
performance of their duties, to get the resources of millionaires.

The 'little story' of socialist collectivism has been reduced to strings
of exhausted slogans and many of the bureaucrats in applauding in
public, while in their comfortable air-conditioned homes they count on
the riches their perks procure for them under the banner of their
unconditional support.

It's shameful and intolerable that they continue to progressively
impoverish the people with the added silence to sticking us with the
bills. I don't know how much exploitation and ignominy Cubans will be
able to withstand, having paid in advance the highest price of all: freedom.

April 3 2012

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