Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Welcoming Review of a Different Blog / Miriam Celaya

Welcoming Review of a Different Blog / Miriam Celaya
Miriam Celaya, Translator: Norma Whiting

The independent Cuban blogosphere has had an impressive growth in its
few years of existence despite low Internet connectivity on the Island.
Most blogs that have been set up and kept open during this time are
autonomous spaces arising by the spontaneous free will of their
respective administrators and, although the authorities insist on
including almost all under the generic label of "dissidents," (in Cuba
the slightest sign of independence automatically implies "subversion")
the truth is that at least some of them are not particularly concerned
with political issues, with accusations or with the social criticism of
the Cuban reality.

In spite of that and without denying that inspirations for criticism
abound in a reality such as ours, the continuing growth and
diversification of the blogosphere into themes and interests that have
nothing to do with the ideological over-saturation we have endured for
over half a century is something to celebrate. For that reason, among
more powerful ones, I wanted to dedicate a brief overview of the recent
birth of a peculiar blog. As far as I know, Cuba did not have a personal
blog devoted to culinary and gastronomic topics, irrespective of some,
like the blog "Through the Eye of the Needle", where my friend Rebecca
Monzo sometimes inserts one or another recipe. The new space (Voy
Caliente), with strong interests in fusion-kitchen; with dietary
proposals in line with current world trends and also the bearer of a
refreshing ideas segment of young Cuban restaurateurs, brings a little
spice to a blogosphere that continues to grow. Each new blog is a sign
of the health of the spirit of a consolidated online community.

And if some of my readers find it surprising that a blogger so stubborn
and free thinking would pay special attention to a blog seemingly far
removed from her everyday comings and goings and her strong voice, I
must say that I have reasonable grounds for this, not only because Jorge
Ortega Celaya, principal of the new blog, is a great young chef who
aspires to someday have his own restaurant with the personal seal of his
talent, and whose creations I have often enjoyed, but because this
blogger is my oldest son. So the adage "the testimonial is up close and
personal" is fulfilled to a T.

Thus, just like I welcomed my son to the world in January 1980, today I
want to welcome the blogger, born to the same virtual space I have
dwelled in for a few years; a place where – just like he did in real
life — he must carve a course for himself. I wish him, of course, all
the luck in the world.

Translated by Norma Whiting

September 23 2011

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