Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dissident drowns trying to sneak back into Cuba

Posted on Wednesday, 04.07.10
Dissident drowns trying to sneak back into Cuba
The Associated Press

MIAMI -- A noted Cuban opposition activist has died after drowning while
trying to return to his homeland.

That's according to fellow dissidents, who say Adrian Leiva left Florida
on a boat in March. He wanted to return to Cuba to continue his work as
a political activist and to be with his mother.

Miguel Saludes, a longtime friend, says Leiva's family was told by Cuban
authorities that he drowned while swimming to the coast.

His body was positively identified this week.

Leiva had worked as an independent journalist in Cuba and was involved
in the Varela Project, which sought a referendum on civil rights and
electoral reforms.

Saludes says Leiva had been denied permission to enter Cuba in 2009.

Leiva's death was first reported in The Miami Herald.

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