Sunday, July 5, 2015

Between the New and the Old

Between the New and the Old / Fernando Damaso
Posted on July 4, 2015

Fernando Damaso, 3 July 2015 — In his speeches of December 17, 2014, and
July 1, 2015, the President of the United States of America opted for
the present and the future, once again laying aside the past, for which
he is not responsible and which is a bygone stage. Moreover, he
acknowledged, before his people and the world, that the policy of
isolation applied against Cuba for more than fifty years had failed.

On the other hand, the President of Cuba has continued to focus on the
past, for which he is partly responsible, repeating the subject of
reparations and other demands, some completely absurd, and others
difficult to complete in the short or medium term. Nor has he
acknowledged the failure of socialism, imposed on the Cuban people since
April 16, 1961.

They are two totally different concepts: the first speaks to a young
president and the second to an old one.

Maybe the permanent vision of the new is what has made the United States
constantly advance and develop, and the permanent vision of the old is
responsible for Cuba having stagnated and regressed.

Regardless of all this, I believe that the facts are most important and
(though arriving too slowly) they are there, and that speeches and
declarations anchored in the past are made solely for the purpose of
reassuring some characters from the national Jurassic Park. Time will
have the last word

Source: Between the New and the Old / Fernando Damaso | Translating Cuba

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